

I am Jared Butowsky, currently a graduate student at Pace University. For my entire life, I have been a huge video game enthusiast. Almost everything I do is related to video games in some way. Because of this, I naturally want what I do with my life to be centered on video games. This extends to my output on here, which I want to encompass a wide variety of topics within the video game world.
One such topic is to analyze certain aspects of various games, and how they contribute to the whole experience, possibly in ways the (layperson) reader hasn't thought of (though, granted, people who work in actual game development would probably have already thought of these). For example: Does visual design contribute to making a level more memorable? Yes. I, of course, plan to go into more detail than just a sentence and a word. I plan on using examples, for instance. I even plan on getting into subject matter such as what, exactly, the definition of level design is.
Sometimes, I will go into more specific detail on specific aspects of a specific game. For example, how a certain mechanic informs the design of the game as a whole. I may also go into how a game does something particularly well.
In addition, I will talk about games I have been playing recently, and what I like and dislike about them, as well as miscellaneous details I have noticed. In other words, I will effectively be reviewing video games, but usually in the middle of my playthroughs.
On top of that, I will go over various current events in the video game industry, and give my perspective on them as a consumer. Does a developer supporting certain hateful groups make me want to not support them, for instance? (The answer to that is yes, by the way).
I plan for my blog to be like this so that I can attract a good variety of readers. Hopefully anybody who enjoys video games will be able to find something they like out of the three varieties of posts. In order to keep readers such as you interested, I plan on posting at least once a week. as of 1/28/2017, I am switching over to posting at least once every two weeks.

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